My Story
I've been creating art, redecorating spaces, and telling stories for as long as those have been possible. Mum as my witness.
I started my career in Interior Design in 2011, which remains to this day as my first love. A few years later I seized an opportunity to leave my home and cross seas, and have been infected by the notorious travel bug ever since.
My high-school-sweetheart-now-husband and I settled in Queensland Australia in 2016. I decided to develop my creative skills more formally, by completing a Bachelor’s degree in Digital Communication.
As a designer, an immigrant and a travel-bug victim, I am inspired by how exceptionally beautiful it is that we can be somewhere unfamiliar, telling someone else's story or seeing something for the first time - and still feel a sense of belonging. To me, this is the magic of creativity. With the right choice of words and visuals, creativity can allow anybody, anywhere to feel the unifying but uniquely personal sense of "home".
Those souvenirs and gifts you keep for sentiment. That piece of furniture that smells like the forest where you camped. That meal that tastes like Christmas. The photographs in frames, and the ones we turn into reels. I believe that the places we go, meals we make, products we buy, and the relationships we keep - are all rooted to the pursuit of belonging.
As I continue to travel, write and create digital content - I've learnt that for myself there is no bigger joy than to deliver this magic of connection to others, for others.
In Australia, we have a slang phrase “have a yarn”, meaning “to have a chat.” Just as a loom requires yarn to create beautiful tapestries, we rely on connection and communication to craft our digital works of art. "Loom" also pays tribute to my love of craftsmanship and textiles, an ode to the African mud cloths and basket weaves that I will never have enough of.
"Loom" serves as a metaphorical tool for intertwining my own threads of culture, passions, skills, and services with those of my clients,
crafting a unique and collaborative tapestry of creativity.
Many years, experiences and changes of course have led me to this page.
The only thing that makes me happier to be here, is that you are too!
That's my story.
I hope to hear yours.
- Teagan​